Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Upgrading to Snow Leopard means upgrading ClamXav to 2.0 Beta

I upgraded to Mac OS X 10.6.1 yesterday. This morning my clamXav log said that "This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated." Not only that, I was unable to launch the ClamXav UI. Further investigation found this problem in my Console:

[Deprecated] CocoaJava:
-[NSJavaVirtualMachine initWithClassPath:] FATAL: cannot initialize ObjCJava. Exit

So, it appears that ClamXav 1.x will not run on Snow Leopard. Upgrading to ClamXav 2.0 beta fixes this. The new 2.0 interface also allows for version checking and will automatically guide you to update your clamav scanning engine quite painlessly.