Friday, December 17, 2010

How to configure your blogspot blog to use a custom domain from Namecheap

I recently noticed that the domain name was available. It was a similar tech blog to this. So, I decided to buy the domain with Namecheap (affiliate link).

Reading the Blogger documentation, there are no specific instructions for configuring your Namecheap domain so that Blogger can use your new custom domain. Here is how to do it.

  1. Log into your Namecheap account.
  2. Go to My Account > Manage Domains
  3. Select your new domain.
  4. Under Host Management, select URL Forwarding
  5. Change the row with www by changing the text field to contain (leave Record Type as CNAME)
  6. Click Save Changes
  7. Follow the rest of the instructions under Update Your Blogger Settings: How do I use a custom domain name on my blog?

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